The trials and tribulations of a self-published steampunk writer

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Three. It's the magic number...

The first draft of my third book is almost finished. It's another book in the series started by Red Mercury, featuring the return of Jones and Kowalski in another steampunk adventure.

The book will be off to some beta readers for initial feedback shortly, and then it's into the hard graft of rewriting and editing.

I'm delighted with how this one has come together, although I found it tougher going than with the first two. I reckon my ambition to make the plot a little more complex this time round brought a price! I am hoping to have the book published around April / May. I think you'll like it.

Over the coming couple of months, I'll be posting here about the hints and tips on writing I've picked up from "How To..." blogs and books, and the little things I've learned myself the hard way.

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