Well, not really. But that was never what it was about.
My monetary ambition with Red Mercury was always secondary to getting the story out and shared. Whenever people asked if I was going to make any money, I said that my ambition was to be able to go out once for dinner on the proceeds - even if it was just me, and even if it was just to McDonalds.
Well, mission accomplished.
Red Mercury has been on sale for a fortnight now and it has sold 40 copies across the different distribution channels. I am frankly delighted at this and would like to thank each and every person who's decided to download it. At the pricing and royalty levels I've set, that means I've made about £8 in total. Ker-Ching! It's Big Mac time.
90% of the sales are through Amazon, and the rest through Smashwords. However, the book has only just been cleared to go into Smashwords' "Premium Catalog" - where most sales volume will come from with them. I'm hoping I'll see some more sales through Smashwords as the book becomes available in places like the Apple bookstore.
I've just used ClearSpace to set up print availability. I've ordered a copy of it myself and am really looking forward to see how it looks on paper.
Most excitingly of all, I just got my first review on Amazon - 5 Stars. That's magic! And it wasn't even a family member or anything!